Run for Something! Become a Candidate
In 2025 there are over 130 elected positions open in Spokane County, from city councils, mayors and judges, to school boards and fire and water commissioners.
Let’s get more Democratic community members in office!
Participate in making Spokane County a great place to live.
List of open positions in Spokane County 2025
*** Candidate Filing Week is May 5 - 9, 2025 ***
Spokane County Elections: Candidates & Campaigns - how to file, candidate manual, and more
For more information on how to run for office, contact our Campaign Relations committee.
The importance of local elections
“While presidential elections often command a lot of attention, it’s local elections that have the most immediate and tangible impact on our daily lives. Elected officials at the local level, from school board members to mayors and city council members, shape policies on everything from public transportation to local taxes to educational reforms and more.“